social media
We are dedicated to setting a higher standard for how our team athletes engage online. Being a part of NorCal Elite is not just a privilege but also a responsibility, and our Social Media Standards outline guidelines for representing oneself with integrity on digital platforms. These standards are dynamic and will adapt over time.
With increased social media usage comes potential risks. Remember:
Privacy is limited online, even with private accounts.
Social media platforms have their own terms and conditions.
Exercise caution with content that may inadvertently highlight private aspects.
✘ Avoid sharing personal information.
✘ Think twice before posting emotionally charged content.
✘ Refrain from sharing your location in real-time.
Everything posted online reflects on you. Consider the impression each post leaves and how it may influence your future, including comments made on others' posts.
Nor*Cal Elite Athletes must refrain from:
Using racial slurs or discriminatory language.
Referencing violence or engaging in bullying behavior.
Using obscene gestures or sharing offensive material.
Participating in sexually explicit or defamatory content.
Sharing nude or indecent photos.
Nor*Cal Elite athletes must seek approval before featuring our name, logos, or marks on ANY social media platform. Filming others in our facilities requires consent, and social media use during practices or classes is prohibited.
We expect all athletes to uphold these standards, regardless of their social media following. Nor*Cal Elite is committed to fostering growth and learning opportunities within our community.